Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Quote of the Day
--The Case for Christianity, C.S. Lewis
Labels: Thinkers
Monday, February 26, 2007
Soul Ice Cream
His six-year-old son asked if he could say grace.As they bowed their heads he said, "God is good, God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if Mom gets us ice cream for dessert. And Liberty and justice for all! Amen!"
Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby, the family heard a woman remark, "That's what's wrong with this country. Kids today don't even know how to pray. Asking God for ice cream! Why, I never!"
Hearing this, his son burst into tears and asked, "Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?"As the man held his son and assured him that he had done a terrific job, and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table.
He winked at the young boy and said, "I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer.""Really?" the boy asked."Cross my heart," the man replied.Then, in a theatrical whisper, he added (indicating the woman whose remark had started this whole thing), "Too bad she never asks God for ice cream. A little ice cream is good for the soul sometimes."
Naturally, the father bought his kids ice cream at the end of the meal. The son stared at his for a moment, and then did something the family will remember the rest of their lives.
The boy picked up his sundae and, without a word, walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her, "Here, this is for you. Ice cream is good for the soul sometimes; and my soul is good already."
Labels: Spiritual Java
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Sin will leave you so lost, you’ll never find your way
Sin will keep you longer than you ever thought you’d stay
Sin will cost you more than you ever thought you’d pay!
It takes a few times reading through this poem to feel the weight of its words. And the truth of what is says hurts a lot. Sin is one of those inevitable cycles we find ourselves in. We try to be a good person, but in the end we mess up somehow. We try and try in our own strength to conquer this sinful nature. Sadly there is no way for us to win on our own.
"...Through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:2
But thankfully God’s love and mercy has given us a way to escape the cycles and pitfalls of sin through belief in the death and resurrection of Christ. Now this is one of those group hug moments that we all feel warm and fuzzy, but our belief in Christ doesn’t stop us from succumbing to the trappings of this world.
We are suppose to lead our lives after the example of Christ so that we may know that sin does not own our lives, but that doesn’t mean Satan won’t try to win you back to his team. Christianity doesn’t end the temptations of sin but it does give us great hope in Christ. For Christ washed away our sins, and made a way for us to approach the throne of grace with a repentant heart.
Even Christ was tempted in the desert. He spent forty days and nights in the wilderness with no food. Now I know how I am if I just skip breakfast, so I can guess that when Satan said turn this rock into bread Christ’s human stomach said, oh yeah, we can do that I’m starving. And how did Christ combat the temptation? He fought it with his knowledge of the word and character of God. And we can do the same in our own walks. God will never ask us to do anything that is against his laws or character, so the more we know and study God’s word we will be better equipped to fight off those temptations that seem to fall in a grey area. There are no grey areas with God.
Be encouraged that Christ defeated sin, and if you hold him in your heart and strengthen you mind in his words then he will be the one fighting two steps ahead of you in the war against temptation.
May you be Blessed and Encouraged!
Labels: Spiritual Java
Saturday, February 24, 2007
The Wisdom of Faith and Maizy
-Sigmund Freud
I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.
-Rita Rudner
A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three
times before lying down.
-Robert Benchley
Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.
-Franklin P. Jones
Labels: Critter Cameos
Friday, February 23, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Novel Excerpt- Stained Glass
“Yes, please,” Aaron answered with nerves dancing in his voice as the host led Aaron and Elise through the ambient lighting to a small candle lit booth.
“Wow this place is nice,” Elise said once Aaron had helped her slide into the booth.
“Patrick suggested it.”
“Looks a little better than the food at the soup kitchen,” Elise said with a laugh as her eyes dived into the menu. Aaron’s eyes ignored the plates, but mainly looking at the prices. But Patrick was right about the decent costs.
“Luke was glad to hear you are doing well, and my Da wanted to say that you and your family are in his prayers.”
“Uh, thanks,” Aaron said unsure if he actually wanted Hal’s prayers. “Guess who called me today?”
“Father Callum, he wants me to go into work tomorrow.”
“Are you going,” Elise asked focusing her concerned eyes on Aaron.
“I don’t know. Ma’s doing better, and the Dr. Laurence is impressed with her improvements. But he’s still pessimistic. Since they didn’t think she would wake up in the first place that we are above the odds.”
“Glad to see you smile,” Elise said setting aside the menu.
“It’s nice to have a reason too,” Aaron said taking Elise’s hand in his.
Not long after they ordered their food came, and Aaron couldn’t remember the last time he has sat still enough to enjoy his food and his company. But as they ate a strange feeling started rolling around in Aaron’s stomach. The food was good, but the air within the eating house took on an eerie chill.
Aaron looked out the front windows to see shadows rushing about the streets and in a snap the window panes shattered and screams rang out. Aaron’s gut was in knots as he slipped down beneath the booth.
“Elise get down here,” Aaron shouted and Elise joined him her eyes filled with shock. Aaron pulled her close to his chest as painfully familiar sounds filled the streets and the restaurant. Gun shots pierced through the air, shouts full of hatred, and fists hitting flesh soon joined by the agonizing noise of police sirens.
Aaron closed his eyes as the sounds danced teasingly around his head. Reminding him of Brody, Faye, and the others he had once shared in the mayhem with. His heart ached at the people he hurt, and his eyes watered at the fact that the woman in his arms had been one of his victims. How could she forgive him so easily after four years, when he had yet to forgive his Da’s executioner?
“It’s safe to come out now,” a police officer said calmly from the end of the booth. Elise crawled out and Aaron followed, but part of him wanted to hide from his past for the rest of his life.
Labels: novel excerpt
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
There is a rising trend; I’m sure you’ve all heard about it, of people, including teens signing up for plastic surgery. This shocks me, especially after watching some of those plastic surgery TV shows. But after the shock I am saddened almost heart broken by people who think they need to shove themselves into a mold.
Now I’m not saying I have the best body image or self esteem for that matter, but I am happy with WHO I am. Of course I want my abs tighter, and my hips slimmer, but that’s because I need to get off my lazy butt and work out.
What bothers me the most about this is the lies these people believe. They think that one quick fix with change everything? If they get this fix then everything in their life will fall into place. True plastic surgery has it’s place, but I think the industry seems to feed to the addiction to be perfect with superstar looks.
But if we were all supposed to look like Brad Pitt and Angelina Joli then where would be the fun in that? Where would be the personality that surrounds us in our variety? I encourage you to take the time to walk through an art museum and look at all the men and women portrayed in the art work. It is amazing to look at some of the most famous works of art and see that the men and women in them are not perfect, and even some artists chose to add what would typically be an unwanted feature in order to reveal even more beauty in the subject of their masterpieces.
The phrase beauty is only skin deep is one that I don’t like much at all. True beauty comes from the soul, not your boob size, or waist measurement, but in your actions and in your heart. That is true beauty, and plastic surgery can’t help there.
We are all made with a plan, purpose, and by the loving hands of God. I wouldn’t change anything about my body because this is who God made. And it has been through the aches, pains, and medical conditions God gave me that have brought me closer to him. I love my imperfections cause they make me human and they strengthen my soul.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Motivation Station-
Only a few days over a month left to go, before California. My heart jumps each time I think about it and God just keeps reminding me of how many other stories I have to tell.
From time to time in the last few weeks doubts has crept into my mind that I can’t write. And that all I have to write are the seven manuscripts I’m taking, but Blessed be the name of the Lord that I have heard his reminder of the joy in writing.
I am amazed and often frustrated by the attacks I undergo, in my writing and in my life. Many times it is hard to focus on God’s provision and grace in those times, but he is always there.
It’s also amazing to se what God reveals to me through reading the Bible, and from verses I have memorized. These have been on my heart.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. –Jeremiah 29:11
But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you… -2Thessalonians 3:3
But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the almighty that gives him understanding. It is not only the old who are wise. - Job 32:8-9a
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed…Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. - Psalm 20:4, 7
May these verses touch your heart and encourage your week.
Labels: V-Moment
Saturday, February 17, 2007

This satellite photo amazed and almost scared me.
If the lights are Christians than the darkness on the map is all the unsaved souls in our world. All the people that do not know the love of Christ. That takes up a lot more space than the light sadly enough.
Examine your hearts and life. Send your prayers to those men and women who are out there spreading the word of God. I have family in Cameroon, and to hear their stories is a great revelation of faith.
Labels: Spiritual Java
RandoM-E vol.5
For any writer’s out there I encourage you to take this challenge, it is different way to express yourself and your creativity
1. I was conceived on Valentine’s Day
2. Most of my name is in that holiday’s title….VALERIE
3. The meaning of Valerie is STRONG
4 I’m not a body builder
5 I did survive massive back surgery at 17 though
6 My Dad calls me his Titanium driver (b/c of the titanium rod in my back)
7 I don’t like to watch golf, or play much either
8 I did a report in high school on the history of Golf (14 pages…WOW)
9 I golf right handed
10 Even though I’m LEFT HANDED
11 My husband is left handed too
12 Left handed people make the world right ;)
13 I’m a world history buff
14 I do Yoga
15 I don’t do Birkam Yoga- TOO HOT
16 I live in Texas
17 Never seen the Grand Canyon
18 Went to Vegas once, just the airport for a total of 3 hours
19 Didn’t play the slots in the terminal
20 I don’t like gambling
21 I don’t like alcohol
22 My favorite movie is a tie between the Italian Job and Pride and Prejudice
23 The six hour A&E version of Pride and Prejudice is best
24 If I could go back in time I would want to be a noble in the Middle Ages of England or Ireland
25 I’m 1/16th Irish
26 I have the red hair to prove it
27 My nickname is Coppertop
28 Or Buddy
29 Or Frank- as in Frankenstein cause of a fourteen inch scar from my surgery that I wear with pride
30 Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein is one of my favorite books
31 I’ve seen Mary Shelly’s grave and asked devil worshipers how to get there in the dark
32 My bedroom has to be completely dark in order for me to fall asleep
33 I love sleeping
34 My dreams are extremely vivid and I remember the too
35 Several of my manuscripts are dream inspired
36 I don’t believe most dreams mean anything
37 But I don’t deny that God speaks to people in many different ways
38 I’m currently learning American Sign Language
39 If I could go back to school I’d get a masters in Church History
40 I have a degree in Biomedical Science
41 I like ER but don’t like Grey’s Anatomy
42 I don’t like the movie ET
43 But I like the movie Cocoon
44 I don’t believe in aliens
45 I wish I had super powers
46 I like the show HEROS
47 I feel empowered and inspired after watching any Marvel Comic/ DC comic movies
48 Spiderman is my favorite
49 But Batman is up there too
50 I love animals
51Cats not so much- domestic, cause lions and tigers rock!
52 I believe it is our job to care for the animals of the world
53 I feel that adoption is an AMAZING option for kids and animals
54 I feel there are too many teens having sex
55 Media and Parents need to step up to their responisbilites
56 I am addicted to the TV
57 But I love to read
58 My favorite book is the Count of Monte Cristo
59 I’ve read it many times
60 I enjoyed reading Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons and the Da Vinci Code
61 I don’t believe that Mary Magdalene was Christ’s wife
62 I don’t believe there is a blood line through Christ other than him washing us clean of sin by spilling his blood
63 I do believe Christ had brother’s and sisters
64 I have one sister
65 Two sister’s in-law
66 I became an AUNT a few weeks ago
67 I don’t have any kids now
68 My dogs are my kids
69 I do want kids
70 Twin boys (maybe one girl)
71 I’ve already picked out their names
72 No I’m not telling you ;)
73 I volunteer in my church’s nursery
74 I trained service dogs in college
75 I was a volunteer with Equest
76 I used to be a Rodeo Rider
77 Never owned a horse
78 I want to rescue neglected animals one day
79 I think people should be certified to own pets of any kind
80 Too bad we can’t force people to be certified in order to have kids
81 I think animal cruelty is a crime
82 I love the show CSI, although the writer’s need help
83 I would love to be a writer for movies, or TV
84 I hope to see Ted Dekker’s move ‘THREE’
85 I wish there were more Christian movies out there
86 I wish good old sitcoms like Growing Pains and the Cosby show would come back in style
87 I believe reality shows are getting too insane
88 I only watch the tryouts of American Idol
89 I only sing in Church
90 Well sometimes in my Car
91 Yes the shower too, on occasion
92 I go to a Baptist Church
93 Baptism is important
94 I don’t believe baptism is your only way to salvation
95 I was raised in a Church going family
96 I love reading the Bible
97 I believe the Bible is the inspired words of God
98 I believe God did create the world
99 I believe Christ is the son of God
Labels: V-Moment
Friday, February 16, 2007
The Wisdom of Faith and Maizy vol.2

To eat is an amazing show of provision. The worries of the day may be stacking up but the time to eat is a time to give thanks and cherish those you are with.
-M. Acklam
Labels: Critter Cameos
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Thursday SHORTS vol.5
(catch up with the story through the blog archive-Thursday Shorts)
The luminous colors of their dreamscape danced about them in a mist that filled both Etah and Rahan with joy and freedom. It was a place they had found many years ago, they had come to name it the fields of Layvas. The colorful forms that surrounded them had no names, for their purpose and shapes where unknown to them. But every night they would escape to the hope that came in Layvas.
“Etah are you alright? I saw Pneu push you,” Rahan’s fearful voice sounded as the two friends searched for each other in the light mist.
“Over here by Jovra,” Etah shouted and in moments the small frame of Rahan join her near the place they found the only other occupant of Layvas. It was a four legged creature that seemed to watch and listen to their every word. But the creature’s furry coat and soft blue eyes, never gave them any fear.
“Hello Jovra,” Rahan greeted the creature that sat on its hunches and just watched.
“Are you well? What did Pneu say?” Rahan took Etah’s hand and they began their nightly walk.
“Pneu suspected me of speaking too much today, so I am without food.”
“I wish she would leave you be. Too bad there is no food here and Layvas.”
“I don’t think I have the energy to search again.”
“True. Did you say anything to her about the women that disappear at the end of the line?”
“Yes, but all she said was standing on the line in the pit is better than what on the other side of that mysterious door.”
“That makes me scared if a woman like her could be fearful of anything.”
“Let’s not worry on that. She was probably trying to frighten me. Shall we go to the spring?”
“Yes that sounds refreshing.” Rahan’s smile returned as they walked toward the spring.
It was the only type of water they had found in Layvas. They could never figure out how to drink from the crystal waters of the spring, but to play and enjoy it allowed them to feel clean in there dreams if not so in the pit.
“Do you miss Teranova?” Etah asked as she kicked her feet lightly in the water.
“I think I miss the business, rushing about the tunnels and the satisfaction of following an order. How about you?”
“I miss listening to the Goab’s talk. They spoke so little and worried over much that is was nice to hear their thoughts.”
“Did you Goab share such words with you? I only remember the commands from the kitchen. I had forgotten that you were a personal servant.” Etah thought about the Goab she had served for ten years. He had been older, wiser, and kinder than most of those she saw slithering about the halls of Teranova.
“I would have considered my Goab almost a friend.” The woman soon heard the pulsing bell that shook the colors of Layvas.
“Why must we wake?” Rahan complained as the dreamscape disappeared, and Etah opened her eyes to the filthy red dirt of the pit.
Labels: Short story
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.
One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men .Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. (WOW THIS IS A GOOD ONE- all romantic and stuff)
Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured. (CHIVALRIS-YES, ROMANTIC- NOT SO MUCH)
According to one legend, Valentine actually sent the first 'valentine' greeting himself. While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl -- who may have been his jailor's daughter -- who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed 'From your Valentine,' an expression that is still in use today. ( AHHHHHH…too SWEET)
No matter where this holiday got it’s origin we cannot escape the need to share our love with other people. We were made to have relationships both romantic and friendly. It is what makes me think that Valentine’s day and Easter share such a common theme. For it was because of God’s love for us that he sent his Son, to die for us, so that we could have a close personal relationship with him. For Christ is our bridegroom and we as believers in Christ (aka the Church) are his bride preparing for our wedding day in Heaven.
No matter where you find yourself today, single, divorced, or married, you are loved so deeply by Christ that he sacrificed and suffered to save you. The ultimate act of chivalry and romance. Take hold of that fact. Hold tight to the one that loves you most, for he will never leave you or forsake you.
Labels: Reflection
Monday, February 12, 2007
It’s interesting to think back to Valentine’s days as a teen and remember how that affected me and my self-esteem. The only boyfriend I’ve ever had is still my Valentine today, but the years before I met him made the holiday almost unbearable.
As teenagers, and for many this doesn’t end after high school, you are looking for the things that will define who you are, and many times teens feel that having a boyfriend or girlfriend is a defining factor they can’t go without. Which often gives room for ones self esteem to take a nose dive, but why is that?
Why must we cling to the sweet NOTHINGS of someone else to feel good about ourselves?
Unfortunately I don’t have the tell all answer. I wish I did, but part of it lies in what we put value in. Is it the kind of car you drive, the paycheck you rake in, the house you own, the hottie on your arm and what they say is good and bad about you? OR…….is it that you are a child of GOD? You are loved and cherished as you are. God’s greatest pleasure is for you to be his Valentine.
He longs to have a relationship with you. He is continuously whispering the sweet SOMETHINGS that you do need to hear. His love for you is eternal, and best of all he has no faults. Nothing for us gals to ‘fix’ and nothing for the boys to complain about. He will never break your heart, or lie to your face. Because the human failures we see in relationship are not part his character.
It is his opinion that matters, no one elses. And he believes you to be beautiful, handsome, intelligent, witty, everything you need to be is inside of you because of GOD.
I challenge you this Valentines week, to plan a date with God. No need for fancy restaurants, candle light or spiffy clothes. Just take the time to sit down in prayer with him. Let him be your Valentine. Let the peace and love he will whisper to you be the person you run to when you need comfort. When you need love. When you need strong arms wrapped around you. He can be all things to you if you will let him into your heart.
Let him define you. For if you seek his love and guidance you will know who you are, and the fickle words of your peers will not leave scars behind. He is the best Valentine for he defined love, he is love, and he wants to share his love and blessings to you.
Labels: Thinkers
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Do you like what your reading?
IF SO... subscribe on the right hand side of this blog. This will send you emails when I come up with crazy and sometimes eloquent words to post.
Have a blessed week :)
Labels: ETC
The Sunday JOLT vol.5
I know this is one of those over quoted verses in the Bible that people have come to the point of dismissing the meaning and passion behind them. But in this week of Valentines’ it was the first verse on the subject of love to pop in my head.
I know that your thinking why not the Love is… verse in first Corinthians? While 1Corinthians 13:4-7 is an amazing verse about love I believe that it turns back to this verse in John chapter three. Paul lists out the qualities of love as a reference of how to show the love of God, and it is amazing to think that God embodies all those things when it comes to us.
God is patient. Thank goodness because I know I’ve deserved a few lightening bolts here and there. And for God to know all our thoughts, actions, and motivations and still remain patient reveals a new level of his grace and mercy.
God is kind. In reading through Exodus and first and second Samuel the wrath of God is so evident that is hard to see him as kind. But even through the discipline he dished out, he always turned back to help them rebuild and move forward. To think of how many times we have taken his kindness in vain, and that he still wants to hold us tight in his arms.
Everything listed as a quality of love is part of the character of God. Because HE IS LOVE. He is the creator of love. The definer of love, and he knows your heart deeper than your significant other, and longs to lavish you with blessings and strengthen you heart
His ultimate show of love for us was the death and resurrection of his Son. This was a promise fulfilled, so that we can approach the throne of grace with confidence. So that we can have an intimate relationship with him without the trappings of traditions. What an amazing Valentines gift given every morning, every evening, and with every breath. All that is required of us is to turn our hearts to him daily, and share the love he gives unto us to those that surround us daily.
May his love be revealed to you all this week and carried through the rest of your lives.
Be Blessed and Encouraged.
Labels: Spiritual Java
Saturday, February 10, 2007
RandoM-E vol.4
If not let me give you a summery. A man decided to make a documentary of himself eating McDonald’s for every meal for about a month I think. He documented his health status before and throughout the process, and before he could finish his doctors saw elevated liver toxicity, so high that he had to end the documentary.
Now this does say a lot about fast food and what we ingest sometimes on a weekly…..or daily… basis.
But even after watching this documentary, I’m still addicted to McDonalds. Yep I admitted it. So let’s hope the healing can begin. ;)
There has to be some addictive substance in those fries, cause they’re the best, and sometimes I just can’t help myself.
Granted the guilt does come and I have to pop in another yoga video. So enjoy your Saturday, and I’m going to do some yoga.
Labels: Thinkers
Friday, February 09, 2007
The Wisdom of Faith and Maizy

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.
Labels: Critter Cameos
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Thursday SHORTS
The cycle continued in its ever familiar slow and wearisome way. Fatigue was settling into Etah’s back and fingers, but then came the relief she needed. The horns blew their welcomed tones, and the rock and stone stopped coming down the line.
The entire row of women turned to look at the comfort that would come from rest and a belly of sweet root. But staring at the stone carved niches in front of them was a teasing pleasure that would have to wait. Etah could almost taste the sweet root porridge waiting for her in the small cuphs, but the Gouti’s had their favorites. The women that held the wips for the intention of keeping order on the line found those who held their lust for power, and nurtured those women. Leaving the rest to be subject to their whims.
Each Gouti was in charge of thirty six women, and had to lead each to their cuph at the end of the cycle. Unfortunately Pnue didn’t like Etah. Pnue stood taller and wider than Etah’s frame, and each time they came eye to eye Etah couldn’t help but wonder where the dust and mud caked lines on her face came from. A shiver ran down her spine as Ora was led to her cuph. Just the look in Pnue’s eyes let her know that she wouldn’t sleep easily.
“Etah, you silly girl.” The Gouti’s nails dug deep into Etah’s skin.
“What, what have I done now?” She asked trying not to wince too much in the pain.
“You were a chatty little one this cycle, and you know my rules on chattiness.”
“But I’m almost to the end of the line.”
“And you think that give you the right to chat and whisper?” Pneu’s nails dug deeper.
“No, of course not, but I-“
“But what? You have questions? You want to know your fate? Trust me this place is better than what awaits you beyond the hidden door.” The fear and pain Etah saw in the Gouti’s eyes shocked her.
“You will go without food for your questioning mind.”
“Pneu, no, please.”
“Get in that cuph,” Pneu said pushing Etah to the floor. On her hands and knees Etah’s mind raged. She wanted nothing more than to rise to her feet and knock Pneu to the ground. But that would leave her without food for more than just one cycle.
Etah’s lips water as the angered Gouti closed the gate of her cuph, but she was relieved that this cuph was wider than her last. At least two phods on each side giving her the comfort to turn from lying on her stomach to her back.
But now the seclusion and silence surrounded her forcing her mind to escape to her dreams. There she and Rahan were free, and could speak and talk of what could be above the tunnels of Terranova.
Labels: Short story
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
In the Headlines vol. 4

When I read this article an odd thought popped into my head; how selfish are we? Our human nature has a wanting for the things that are bigger and better causing us to spread out and encroach on the world we live in. It almost brings truth a line from ‘The Matrix’, we are a virus, destroying the world around us until there’s nothing left.
Amazing questions whose answers are left to a higher power, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing for us to do.
Labels: Critter Cameos
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
You’ve heard it many times from family and friends, ‘you can grow up to be anything you want to be’. But part of this statement is false. The word ‘anything’ implies that you could be an astronaut, a fireman, president, or Bill Gate’s fiercest competitor.
I can’t say for certain you won’t be any of the above, but when choosing what to aspire to there are things you need to consider.
When I was growing up I loved animals, so I thought since I loved animals so much I should be a Veterinarian. Now, five years after college, I am not a Vet nor will I ever be because that is not what God intended for my life. Not to say that I would have been a bad Vet, but God had given me other gifts that I had ignored.
I have a vivid imagination, that can get me into trouble sometimes, but ever since I was able to talk or write, I have been creating stories, and drawing. It makes me laugh sometimes to look back at my class notes, because there are more doodles than medical terms.
So when you make a decision to pursue a career of any kind you need to look at three things.
What are your talents?
What is your personality?
Is this God’s plan or mine?
I encourage you to make a list of your talents. What are you good at? Are you good at Math, Science, English, Soccer, Baseball, Art? What do you excel in and where do you see yourself falling behind? I was never good at math, and surprisingly there is a lot of math involved in being a vet or a doctor, but English, History, and Art were my favorite classes. So surprise, surprise, I find myself writing historical fiction. Sometimes it’s the things you do in your free time that can be the window to your future. So don’t forget to consider that, too.
So now with a list of your talents look up the jobs that involve those things you enjoy. Cause if you don’t enjoy your job that can be a long road of unhappy and depressing emotions and events. Now that you’ve found the jobs that involve the things you enjoy, you need to evaluate your personality. Trust me you have one.
Are you a people person, or prefer to be alone. Are you and extrovert, or a wall flower? Would you feel comfortable having to talk to a lot of people, or like the confines of a cubicle? Each aspect of your personality can help you choose a career that fits you best. Don’t forget that whatever path you take will lead to what you study in College, and the job that will define your future, so take your time.
For the last question you need to find a quiet place, or a mentor with bible in hand. God knows you best of all. He has thought about your life and who you are from before you entered this world, so who better to talk to. He molded and shaped your heart, so his advice and guidance will be the best.
So pray. For some people God does use lighting bolts and neon lights to say this is your purpose, but don’t enter into prayer expecting that kind of answer. God has a way of knowing how to communicate with us and many times it takes a few crossed wires before we are ready to listen.
I know that for me, my crossed wires lead me to meet my husband, and God knew the best way for that to come about. And in my misdirection I learned a lot and struggled through many things that allow my writing to be real and relatable. Now that’s God’s wisdom. He knows what we need to go though to set out on the path of our purpose in order to give him the most glory.
But if you are trying to decide what you will be when you grow up, know that many times it is the journey not the destination that will reveal your purpose. So seek God’s wisdom in all things, and know its ok to change your mind along the way. Because you are still growing and changing into an awesome child of God, and if you keep to that, God will show you great things.
Labels: Thinkers
Monday, February 05, 2007
The Monday Motivator vol.4
As you’ve heard it said ‘hind-sight is 20/20’, well why is that? Well in looking back over our lives we can see how God has moved and motivated each of us in the smallest things as well as the large ones. But why not have that attitude now?
What is keeping us from enjoying the people and places we find around us at this moment? I know it’s an idealistic thought, but in cherishing each step I take the journey is filled with hope and joy. Not the worry of tomorrow, or where I will be in five years, but this moment, this sunrise, this hug, or this breath.
For better or worse we do have to keep moving forward, but think and pray on your focus. That will determine how your will feel on the journey and can make the destination that much more enjoyable.
Labels: Thinkers
Sunday, February 04, 2007
The Sunday JOLT vol.4
We as humans cannot make such a strong statement. No matter how many times we tell someone we care for, that we will never hurt them, in time we do, whether it’s a small ache or a large pain. It’s our own fallibility that makes this happen, but what does that say about God.
He is infallible, loving, caring, and desires to bless you with the great abundance he has in heaven. The verse above is one I turn to often when the path before me is lost. God is telling Jeremiah, when he is struggling with his calling, that God knows the steps before him. Those steps will not lead to harm, but will come through to prosper you and give you hope.
Granted the path ahead may seem dark, and many times it is hard to trust someone else to lead you through the darkness. But God has a marvelous track record of loving us and keeping his promises. If we seek his glory in all things, his glory and blessings will shine on us. Maybe not on earth, but without a doubt in heaven.
May you be blessed and encouraged.
Labels: Bible Nugget
Saturday, February 03, 2007
RandoM-E vol.3
Wow! What if everyone lived like this? What would our world be like?
Sometimes it is the simple words we’ve heard time and time again that give us the most inspiration.
Labels: V-Moment
Friday, February 02, 2007
Friday Funnies vol.3
7 am - Oh boy! A walk! My favorite!
8 am - Oh boy! Dog food! My favorite!
9 am - Oh boy! The kids! My favorite!
Noon - Oh boy! The yard! My favorite!
2 PM - Oh boy! A car ride! My favorite!
3 PM - Oh boy! The kids! My favorite!
4 PM - Oh boy! Playing ball! My favorite!
6 PM - Oh boy! Welcome home Mom! My favorite!
7 PM - Oh boy! Welcome home Dad! My favorite!
8 PM - Oh boy! Dog food! My favorite!
9 PM - Oh boy! Tummy rubs on the couch! My favorite!
11 PM - Oh boy! Sleeping in my people's bed! My favorite!
Entries in a Cat's Diary:
Day 183 of my captivity ... My captors continued to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat dry cereal. The only thing that keeps me going is the hope of escape, and the mild satisfaction I get from clawing the furniture and carpet. Tomorrow I may eat another house plant. Today my attempt to kill my captors by weaving around their feet while they were walking almost succeeded. Must try this at the top of the stairs. In an attempt to disgust and repulse these vile oppressors, I once again induced myself to vomit on their favorite chair. Must try this on their bed. Decapitated a mouse and brought them the headless body in an attempt to make them aware of what I am capable of, and to try to strike fear in their hearts. They only cooed and condescended about what a good little cat I was. Hmmm, not working according to plan.
Labels: Smile Perscriptions
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Thursday SHORTS
“Keep working.” The crack of a whip stung her ears as the gems of Adem washed along in front of her, standing shoulder to shoulder examining the rock before them. There they stood day after day separating the sparkling jewels from crude rock for the palates of the Gobs living richly above in Terranova.
“Etah, look,” the woman beside her said with an elbow to her side. Etah’s violet eyes traced up the tiers of red dirt and rock that surrounded her and the other women she had come to know. The top tier held the only entrance to the pit, and coming through to gateway was a group of six women with heads shaved and drooped in shame at the loss of their previous beauty. Etah raised her hand from the water and mud in front of her, and ran her fingers through the inches of hair that had grown since she stood at the top of the pit. Her hair was to her shoulder, but it was hard to believe that she once been luscious and smooth brown hair that danced at the back of her knees. But those things and the beautiful halls of Terranova were left behind when she turned thirteen.
“Has it been that long since we stood up there, Rahan?” Etah whispered to the woman standing next to her.
“I guess so.”
“No talking,” the nearest Gob shouted sending his whip popping across their backs. In muted screams, Rahan and Etah returned to pulling crude rock from the precious jewels that would fill the bellies of Terranova.
Etah glanced at the newly shaven women walking down the tiers of the pit as she sorted the dirt in front of her. Once the young women reached the bottom a horn sounded and the entire line shifted down six spaces. So was the routine each time more women were brought from above.
Etah nearly laughed as heard the whines and cries of the women that had just joined the line. She remembered her first day. The dirt of the pit was a stark contrast to the pristine halls of Terranova, and to place her pampered hands in the mud and grime that came from the mines. The jewels and rocks slashed through her skin. She could barely remember what her hands looked like before the layers of mud clung to every pore.
“Look, we’re close to the end. What do you think happens to all the people before us?” Rahan asked with a concerned look at the conveyer belt that disappeared through a hole in the wall.
“Ora, do you know?” Etah asked the woman to her right.
“I’ll ask down the line.” The robust woman turned to the next person in the line. Faint whispers continued down the row, and then back toward Etah and Rahan.
“The women go through a door that appears in the rock. One woman said that there’s a Gob on the other side, but that’s all she could see.”
“Well they don’t come back here, so where do they go?” Rahan’s voice trembled as they turned back to work. Etah’s mind started to echo Rahan’s fears and questions. It would be one more month before she, Ora, Rahan, and the others she came with into the pit would be at the door.