Monday, February 05, 2007

The Monday Motivator vol.4

This Monday motivator is rather simple. Cherish the Journey. It is a motto that I try to live by. In my life, I’ve many time focused too much on where I’m going or where I want to end up that I miss out of so much of what’s around me.

As you’ve heard it said ‘hind-sight is 20/20’, well why is that? Well in looking back over our lives we can see how God has moved and motivated each of us in the smallest things as well as the large ones. But why not have that attitude now?

What is keeping us from enjoying the people and places we find around us at this moment? I know it’s an idealistic thought, but in cherishing each step I take the journey is filled with hope and joy. Not the worry of tomorrow, or where I will be in five years, but this moment, this sunrise, this hug, or this breath.

For better or worse we do have to keep moving forward, but think and pray on your focus. That will determine how your will feel on the journey and can make the destination that much more enjoyable.



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