Saturday, February 17, 2007


This satellite photo amazed and almost scared me.

It you think about all the lights all over the world it is a beautiful picture, but then lets take a spiritual look at it too. If all the illuminated areas of the map were showing all the Christians in the world I see the picture differently.
If the lights are Christians than the darkness on the map is all the unsaved souls in our world. All the people that do not know the love of Christ. That takes up a lot more space than the light sadly enough.

Now I know a few cynics are saying well not all of those dark areas are inhabited. And to you I say, that is why this is an illustration and not fact. ;) But put the doubts aside and think of who you were before Christ, and how he changed your world. And then think that there are millions out there without that peace. Without that love.
Examine your hearts and life. Send your prayers to those men and women who are out there spreading the word of God. I have family in Cameroon, and to hear their stories is a great revelation of faith.

I am not say for all of us to take the next fight to the middle of nowhere. God has placed a mission’s opportunity before you whether you know it or not. There are hundreds of missionary organizations that need monetary support, and then there are the people you see on a daily basis.

They are you missionary field. It may not seem as daring or dangerous as China, or Cameroon, but facing the people that you see daily with the truth of Christ can be just as challenging and rewarding as catching a trip to the far ends of the earth.

Examine your heart for mission and pray to have the opportunity to share the love Christ gave to you.



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