Tuesday, January 16, 2007


So why would a twenty six year old have a day or her blogs dedicated to teens? Because the teen years were pretty hard for me, and I’m sure there are others that face the awkwardness and the questions that come with been a teen or even a young adult. The teen years are about self discovery and growing into one’s self that I thought I would lend a few encouraging words and thoughts about that phase we all went through.

Male or female, no matter what the mirror tells you, you are beautiful. Now how do I know this through a blog, you ask? If you are a human being, granted your parakeet can’t check her email, you are beautifully and wonderfully made.

Now wait I know what you’re saying. That’s what beautiful people say. HA, would be my natural response, but inside my heart I know that God made me just the way I am. And God doesn’t make mistakes. So which little self inflicting little voice in your head told you that- Satan.

Yep, that’s who. That mental trickster doesn’t want you to believe in the words and love of God. And the message that God made you for a purpose and perfectly for his glory is the last thing the trickster want’s you to believe.

Hence why ‘perfection’ is flooded in the media, and commercials flaunt the ‘beautiful’ people. FYI even the beautiful people think their mediocre, because that’s what the media tells them too. They hid it well, but they have the same insecurities you do.

You are more than what stares back at you in the mirror. You are an amazing God created, God loved, person. Hold on to that truth and turn from the dangers of the world provided by the mirror.


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