Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Greatness of God: in Creation

Notes on a sermon by Greg Matte 8-13-06

If creation is removed accountability is removed. (Romans 1:20-30)
-as long as God is creator and we are the created we are accountable to God, so if creation is removed Man is in control and accountable to no one because of our “human” standards.
- Creator removed, Deceiver Received
Ex) Advocated for the environment and saving the earth are often the greatest advocates for abortion.

The greatness of God has no equal in the universe OR our lives (Proverbs 21:1)
-N.A.S.A. estimates 10 to the 12th number of stars in the sky and God places each and knows their names.

We respond to the greatness of God is creation with awe and comfort

God is not too great to care; He is too great to fail (Isaiah 40:27-31)
-reputation is built in a moment steaming from character which is built in a lifetime of action and words
-true greatness is not being aloof, but being connected. (Check out the awesome definition for greatness in Webster’s dictionary) WOW!

God never grows tired and He understand the depths
-Kinds of Tired:
*Fed up with (anger)
* Tired in the journey (discouragement)

Lack of deep understanding is the root of our weariness
-God never tires because he always understands
-We need to surrender the end of the story

God is Generous and reviving
-The past is safe cause we know we made it threw

God is Trustworthy
-due to the hope that comes to renew us to soar with God, run beside him and be strong in our walk.



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